August 2021

VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021
Fundamentals of the Model of Implementation of the Pedagogical System For Ensuring the Quality of Ground Training of Future Tactical Aviation Pilots in Ukraine
Nevzorov Roman
Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University, Ukraine

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The article is devoted to the still unresearched problem of modern didactic theory (within the framework of professional, military and professional aviation pedagogy) - the system of ensuring the quality of ground training of future tactical aviation pilots in the institution of Higher Military Education (SVVO) of Ukraine. Since the current system of training cadetsmilitary pilots in the Russian military educational institution is essentially a post-Soviet pedagogical relic, which has its roots in the morally outdated Soviet method of flight training, a systematic search for the latest alternative seems relevant and timely. Comprehensive author's research of the last five years on the problem of professional training of future tactical aviation pilots, as well as personal experience and observations of the author, allow us to confidently state that the theory of this problem clearly requires a thorough revision and addition of the pedagogical component. The most significant gap, according to the author, is the lack of a complete modern pedagogical system for ensuring the quality of professional training of future military aviation specialists in terms of ground training. The latter plays no less important role in all training than direct flight training in the sky. At the same time, ignoring the didactic features and propeidic function of ground training in the SVVO often leads to insufficient technical, physical, psychological, and most importantly competent readiness of cadets for flight training. The author has developed his own pedagogical system for ensuring the quality of ground training for future tactical aviation pilots, which is currently being tested experimentally on the basis of the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University (Ukraine) and offers a structural and functional model of its implementation. This article reveals the basics of this pedagogical model and substantiates its content


Future Military Pilot, Tactical Aviation, Ground Training, Pedagogical System, Quality of Education, Model.


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VOlUME 04 ISSUE 08 August 2021

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