September 2021

The Lagged Effect of Advertising Expenditures on the Financial Measures of Brand Equity in the Egyptian Context
Nermin M. Gohar

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This research intends to fill the gap in the literature by studying the impact of lagged real advertising expenditures on different perspectives of brand equity in the Egyptian context, which are: Firm-based and Market-based brand equity. The research follows the quantitative research-based approach, with the descriptive explanatory method. Secondary data was collected from firms’ financial reports of sixteen sectors for the period 2013 - 2020 to consider the effect of real advertising expenditures on firm-based and market-based brand equity models. Data was collected from 168 listed companies in the Egyptian stock exchange market, after deleting the financial institutions. The unit of analysis was the corporate brands and data collected was panel data analyzed using Eviews program – version 10, using GLS regression. Results showed that market risk significantly moderates the relationship between advertising expenditures and Firm-based and Market-based brand equity.


Advertising Expenditures, Firm-Based Brand Equity, ROA, ROE, Market-Based Brand Equity, Tobin’s Q.


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