September 2021

Family Contribution in Countering Radicalism through Actualizing Religious-Based Social Capital in Parepare
Tarbiyah Faculty, Parepare State Islamic Institute

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This study empirically examines the family as the basis of social capital education. Furthermore, generations need social capital to grow and develop as moderate, tolerant, and caring characters towards humanist environmental issues. The main and fundamental task of the family is to conduct educational function, which is inherently social and religious in preparing generations. Therefore, it is necessary to have the right effort or approach to actualizing social capital for effectiveness. This helps develop a religious climate and form a pattern of behavior for each family member. Religion is used as an instrument that facilitates the internalization of social capital values in children and shapes their personality with a humanist character. Therefore, families significantly counteract radicalism in social life.


Social Capital, Religious Basis, Radicalism, Family.


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