September 2021

Legal Optimization of Customer Financing That Performs Default in Leasing Agreements in Indonesia
1Rianda Dirkareshza, 2Ratna Sumirat , 3Risa Gia Anjani
1,2,3Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia

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There are several facilities provided by financing institutions, until now leasing has become the most frequently used facility by the community. Leasing is a type of fiduciary guarantee, where in the agreement Customer Financing must pay an installment fee against the fiduciary guarantee object until the object can be said to be paid off. In practice, it is often found that Customer Financing defaults with discontinued installments and does not provide voluntary collateral objects to financing institutions. Thus, the dispute of default must be resolved immediately so that it does not take a long time, this financing institution is assisted by a third party, namely debt collectors. However, the passing of Supreme Court Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019 the procedure of execution of the object of bail must now be taken by court process. In addition to the court process is considered relatively long, the value of the object of guarantee also continues to decrease over time, then in this case the financing institution becomes the aggrieved party. Therefore, research is needed so that there is no inequality of rights. This research is conducted with a juridical-normative approach and doctrinal law, with data collection techniques in document studies and leasing staff interviews, and analyzed qualitatively. To increase effectiveness in the implementation of execution rights and avoid losses that are always borne by financing institutions, it requires firm enforcement and optimization of default dispute resolution carried out by Customer Financing.


Leasing, Fiduciary, Default


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