September 2021

Why Youths Join the Terrorist Movements?
1Ibrahim Mokhtar Ali,2Omar Gomaa
1Student/Researcher at Social Science and Psychology at Western Sydney
2Independent Researcher

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The salient role of terrorist movements is to recruit more members from different countries and cultures. Hence, it became palpable that terrorist movements, for instance, Al-Qaeda and ISIS have a clandestine method of recruitment that is obscure from the governments’ eyes. The incident of 11/9 had brought the attention of sociologists and politicians to examine the recruitment process of terrorist movements. Conclusively, several studies founded that terrorist movements utilise various techniques to recruit men, youths, children and women. The terrorist movements have been utilising the Islamic ideology as a fundamental ideology. They have been utilising social media as a pulpit for their propaganda. Still, the intricacy of terrorist movement recruitment is believed to be obscure. It is arduous for governments to cease the recruitment process of those movements, albeit the usage of modern technologies nowadays. Thus, sociologists and psychologists initiated investigating the socialisation process of terrorist movements and the brainwashing towards the newly recruited members. However, this paper examines sociologically and psychologically to answer the vital question: Why Youths Join the Terrorist Movements? By looking in-depth into some cases that stripped off their previous teachings, norms and behaviours to become new – fighters – for ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Therefore, this paper analyses the answer to the paper question from sociological and psychological perspectives.


Al-Qaeda, ISIS, terrorist movements, recruitment, socialisation.


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