Shafoat Khasanova
Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Acting Professor Al Bukhari University of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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In Uzbek literature, the study of epics of the genre “Mantiq ut-tayr” is associated with the study of Alisher Navoi’s epic “Lison ut-tayr” and has always been in the spotlight of experts. Mavlono Khoja Qazi Payvandi Rizoi (XVIII acp) was another artist who wrote in Turkish on the theme of “Mantiq ut-tayr”. The only manuscript of the epic “Qush tili”( The Language of Birds) created by him is kept in the fund of the State Museum of Literature named after Alisher Navoi under inventory number 127.
In the creation of Rizoi’s epic “Qush tili”( The Language of Birds) the epics of the series “Mantiq ut-tayr” and the works of Sana’i, Ibn Sina, Shahobiddin Suhrawardi, Ahmad Ghazzali were the first sources, The history of Islam, the Qur'an and the hadiths have served as an important factor in ensuring the originality of the work, the uniqueness of the plot and compositional structure.
KEYWORDS:Rizoi Payvandi, “Qush tili”( The Language of Birds), Qur’an, hadith, epic, quotation, content, form.
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2. Abdulaziz Mansur. Translation of the meanings of the Qur’an. Tashkent: Tashkent Islamic University, 2001.
3. Mawlana Khoja Qazi Payvandi Rizoi. Bird language / publisher Sh. Hasanova. Tashkent: 2009 y. -p. 277.
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5. Abdulaziz Mansur. Translation of the meanings of the Qur’an. Tashkent: Tashkent Islamic University, 2001. –p. 289. Surah Al-Isra, verse 72.
6. Basitxon bin Zahidhon. Javohir ul-hikoya. Tashkent:, 2004. –p. 214.

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