Happiness Yinyuy, Ph.D
Department of History and African Civilisations,Faculty of Arts, University of Buea, Cameroon
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This paper examines the challenges or difficulties faced by the Christian Women Fellowship (CWF) Movement of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) in Nso, Bui Division of the North West Region of Cameroon. From its inception, the movement faced a lot of challenges in the Nso area in its evangelization drives although several successes were registered. The CWF has been actively involved in spiritual and socio-economic activities which have affected more positively the lives of women in particular and the entire community in general. The spiritual activities helped to strengthen its members in their Christian faith and the socio-economic lessons also empowered the women to become self-reliant. To carry out this work we use data collected from both the primary and secondary sources. Primary data were mostly collected from archival material and oral interviews conducted with some CWF officials and CWF members alike in the Bui Presbytery. Those interviewed were mostly between the ages of 40 and 80. This choice was dictated by the desire for reliability as most of them lived and experienced some of these challenges personally. Secondary data were collected from documented sources obtained through the use of books. The necessity for interviews was created by the lacunae exposed by archival material and secondary sources. It was realized that despite the successes registered, this group faced challenges such as poor road infrastructure, financial difficulty, cultural constraints, administrative bottlenecks and misconduct of some of its members.
KEYWORDS:Evangelisation and Christian Women Fellowship
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