1Nelson Cyril, 2Khar Thoe Ng, 3Deva Nanthini, 4Sivaranjini Sinniah, 5Sharfuddin Shukor
1,2,3,4,5Training and Research Division SEAMEO RECSAM Penang, Malaysia
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Technology in education has become an important tool for teachers to disseminate or share their knowledge with students. Incorporating Content, Pedagogy and Knowledge (TPACK) skills can benefit teachers and studenrs in increasing their teaching and learning in this classroom. There were many studies done on teachers TPACK and their categorization but very few in the Malaysian context. This study aimed to explore the Malaysian context, in particular the state of Penang of Teachers TPACK on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) during the 3rd wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. This study employed a qualitative exploratory research design with sample of five teachers. The results indicated that TPACK on TEL discovered attributes that teachers revealed to enhance their teaching and learning processes and serves as an indicator on the types and use of technology in the classroom. The study could also provide information on teachers’ TPACK attributes in improving students grasping of science concepts. In the future these attributes can be extended and compared with pre-service teachers to give a better overview on teachers’ TPACK and their use of technology in education.
KEYWORDS:TPACK, Technology, Science Education, Covid-19, Technology Enhanced Learning
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