1Pahrizul, 2Lufri
1,2Master of Biology Edcation, Padang State Ubiversity, Padang, Indonesia
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The purpose of this development research is to produce ecopreneur-based learning modules that are used as teaching materials for students on Biology subjects. This research was motivated by the lack of availability of teaching materials at Sma Negeri 11 Kerinci and the lack of student ability in solving environmental problems and environmental conservation efforts and students had difficulty in analyzing environmental change data. This type of research is Research and Development research. The development model used in this research is the ADDIE model. The ecopreneur-based Biology learning module for class XI students consists of 5 stages including analysis (analyze), design (design), development (develop), implementation (implementation), and assessment (evaluate). Ecopreneur-based Biology learning modules for class XI students are validated by media, material and language experts. Media validation of the developed module obtains a final value (percentage) with a score of 80% with a valid category. Furthermore, the material expert gave a score of 92% with a very valid category and the linguist validation gave a score of 93.3% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality of modules by teachers towards ecopreneur-based Biology learning modules for class XI students obtained an overall average score of 90% with a very practical category. While the results of practicality by students obtained an overall score of 92.8% with a very practical category. The ecopreneur-based Biology learning modules of class XI students reviewed from the learning results scored 79.5% with a very effective category. Thus, ecopreneur-based Biology learning modules for class XI students can be used in Biology learning in High School (SMA) or equivalent.
KEYWORDS:Biology, Ecopreneur, Modules
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