1Herman Tarigan,2 Amri Pardomuan Situmeang,3 Dwi Priyono, 4Rahmat Hermawan
, 5Lungit Wicaksono, 6Ardian Cahyadi
1,2,3,4,5,6Lampung University
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the relay on improving the teambuilding of high class students with special needs at State SLB Sidomulyo South Lampung. The author uses a pre experimental design type of one group pretest – posttest design. It is said to be a pre experimental design, because this design is not yet a real experiment. With a population of 28 high school students, consisting of 7 deaf students, 17 mild mentally retarded, and 1 quadriplegic, and 3 blind students. Covers aspects of caring, responsibility, and cooperation. After the initial test, students are given relay training in accordance with the training program that has been made, then a final test is carried out. Based on data analysis, the t-count value is 14,702 and the t-table value (n-1) = (7-1) with a two-way test, = 0.05, the t-table value = 2.447. Because t count = 14,702 > t table = 2,447 it can be concluded that "Relay with relay running game is effective in improving the teambuilding of students with special needs in high class at State SLB Sidomulyo South Lampung".
KEYWORDS:Games, Children, Disabilities
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