VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Ira Patriani, 2Elyta, 3Jamaliah, 4Ratu Zahirah Lutfie, 5Annisa Dina Amalia, 6Saiman Pakpahan
1,2,3,4,5Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak Indonesia
6Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru Indonesia
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The use of regional retribution funds as local revenue for infrastructure development in the region is an essential concern for the government. Still, suppose the infrastructure already exists, and the user community has to make payments for the use of infrastructure or roads in the village of Rasan. In that case, it will cause various problems such as public objections. How is the analysis of public policy based on deliberative democracy on user fees for using the Rasan Village road, Landak Regency, Indonesia. This study aims to analyze public policies based on deliberative democracy on user fees for using streets in Rasan Village, Landak Regency. Using the research method of literature study, namely by looking for sources of information, both from books and related journals, using the retribution for the use of the Rasan Village road.
KEYWORDS:Public Policy; Deliberative democracy; road retribution; Rasan village.
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