December 2023

Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
Pedagogical Strategy Based on the Application of Design Thinking Techniques for the Teaching-Learning Process of Research Methodologies in Psychology Students of the Technical Corporation for Human, Social and Cultural Development of Colombia- CORPODESC, 2023
Stella Vanesa Atencia Ramírez

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This master's thesis was born as a commitment to improve the training processes of university students around the teaching of research methodologies; thus creating a new way of bringing knowledge of the scientific method to students in a dynamic, creative, practical and innovative way. This exercise was carried out at the Technical Corporation for Human, Social and Cultural Development of Colombia (Corpodesc), specifically in its psychology program that is implemented through virtual education; The main objective of this work was to develop a pedagogical strategy based on the application of design thinking techniques for the teaching- learning process of research methodologies in psychology students at Corpodesc. To carry out this process, different theoretical components were taken into account, such as the conceptualization of design thinking and the design thinking model for educators, as well as those related to the competency-based educational model for professional training. To operationalize this research project, it was framed under the interpretative paradigm with a qualitative approach; using the practical design type of participatory action research. The sample consisted of 18 seventh-semester psychology students in virtual mode who were taking the subject of 'research methods in psychology'; all of whom participated in the strategy designed. For data collection, the 'Scale to Measure Attitudes towards Research (EACIN)2 was selected in the diagnosis, and a structured interview was applied for the evaluation. Among the main results of the study with respect to the diagnosis was that a significant percentage of the students had a level of favorability around research, although their main deficiencies were around procrastinating as much as possible the activities related to research or having little culture of reading research papers. Regarding the evaluation of the strategy, what can be highlighted is that the students stated that the teaching of research methodologies under the conception of design thinking made it much more practical, dynamic, innovative, interesting and much easier for them to integrate the theoretical with the pragmatic aspects of the research. It is concluded from this whole process that the design thinking methodology does have the capacity to be adapted to the teaching-learning processes of research methodologies at the undergraduate level, however, it is important to carry out more studies that allow a differentiation of effectiveness between this way of teaching and the traditional way.


design thinking, research, higher education, teaching methods, attitudes towards research.

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21) Stella Vanesa Atencia Ramírez Correspondencia:
Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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