October 2024

Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
Career Paths and Curriculum Relevance of Master of Arts in Home Economics Education Graduates: A tracer Study
1Vanessa Nell J. Olila, 2Rubie A. Arroyo, 3Jahzeel M. Candilasa
1Postgraduate Student, College of Human Ecology, Central Mindanao University, Philippines
2Dean and Professor, College of Human Ecology, Central Mindanao University, Philippines
3Faculty, Bukidnon State University, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-10

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The study was conducted to trace the graduates of the Master of Arts in Home Economics Education from SY 2010-2023. Thirty-nine out of forty-three graduates participated in the study at workplaces in Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Davao de Oro, and abroad. A survey questionnaire patterned from the CHED Graduate Tracer Study with some modifications was used to collect information and sent through Google Forms, messenger, and email. The collected information was tabulated and analyzed, and the information was presented in the form of tables and graphs. Information from the socio-demographic and educational profile was presented as graphs and tables. The Likert scale was used to analyze the curriculum and work-skill-related factors. The study's results revealed that the MAHEED graduates comprised primarily of married women between 31-35 years old. Most remained as MAHEED graduates and did not pursue a PhD program. The primary reason for pursuing the MAHEED program is for promotion. Most of them are NC2, NC3, and TM TESDA holders. Most of them work regularly in the Department of Education as Teacher II. The curriculum-related factors were rated very relevant, with the major courses ranked first in relevance to the employability and promotion of MAHEED graduates. The work-related factors were also rated very relevant, with critical thinking ranked first in relevance to the employability and promotion of MAHEED graduates.


career paths, home economics, tracer

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Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024

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