Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
Wang Zhiyong
Graduate School, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Paco, Manila, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-100Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study assessed the extent to which student athletes employed psychological resilience during injury recovery and examined its impact on athletic performance. The findings indicate that psychological resilience was perceived by respondents to be applied to a very high extent, particularly in the areas of social support and psychological well-being. Respondents rated social support as the most essential factor, followed by psychological well-being, coping strategies, personality traits, and return-to-sport decision-making. Athletic performance was generally rated at a very high level, especially in terms of return-to-play readiness and physical recovery. Statistical analysis revealed that while psychological resilience in coping strategies, social support, and personality traits showed no significant correlation with athletic performance, psychological well-being and return-to-sport decision-making were positively correlated with improved physical recovery, functional movement, and readiness to return to sport. These results highlight the importance of psychological well-being in supporting athletic recovery, suggesting that resilience-building strategies focused on well-being can positively influence performance outcomes in injured athletes.
KEYWORDS:psychological resilience, psychological well-being, athletic performance, injury recovery, student athletes
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