Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
Kanis Fatema
Lecturer (Southeast University)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-15Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research discovers the relationship between Job Characteristics Model (JCM) and job satisfaction using the mediator organizational commitment on private universities faculties in Bangladesh. This study is an empirical study to understand how specific job characteristics, as defined by the JCM—namely skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback—affect employee’s commitment. Besides, the study tries to find out the impact of organizational commitment on job satisfaction. Moreover, researcher investigate how organizational commitment mediates the relationship between JCM and Job Satisfaction using 489 sample of faculty members from private universities in Bangladesh. For conducting this research, respondents have been selected by using convenience sampling method through a structured questionnaire. The findings reveal that JCM and organizational commitment has positive relationship, besides organizational commitment can play positive impact over the job satisfaction of the faculty members. Finally, this research depicts how organizational commitment strongly mediates the relationship between job characteristics model and job satisfaction. These insights contribute to existing literature by highlighting the importance of fostering organizational commitment for improving job satisfaction within the educational sector in Bangladesh. The study's implications suggest that university management should focus on designing jobs that enhance employee commitment to maximize satisfaction, ultimately leading to better organizational outcomes.
KEY WORDS:Job Characteristics Model, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Private Universities, Bangladesh.
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