Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Abdul Hadi Sirat, 2Rusandry, 3Gunawan Baharuddin, 4Bayu Taufiq Possumah
1,2Universitas Khaerun Ternate
3Universitas Pancasila Jakarta, Indonesia
4Institut Agama Islam Tazkia, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research examines the concept of Islamic entrepreneurship based on the Prophet Muhammad's business practices and its relevance to the modern business context. Through a systematic literature review method, this research analyses primary and secondary sources on the history of Islamic economics, the biography of Prophet Muhammad, and contemporary literature on Islamic business ethics. The main findings show that the Prophet's business practices were based on fundamental Islamic principles such as tawhid, justice, and social responsibility. The main characteristics of Prophet Muhammad's busines s include honesty, professionalism, quality orientation, focus on customer satisfaction, and fair partne rship. This research reveals that the concept of Islamic entrepreneurship has strong relevance to the contemporary business context, especially in the asp ects of business ethics, leadership with integrity, and corporate social responsibility. Although its implementation faces challenges such as lack of in depth understanding and conflict with conventional systems, there are significant opportunities for the development of Islamic entrepreneurship, especially in countries with large Muslim populations. The s tudy concludes that the concept of Islamic entrepreneurship offers a more ethical, sustainable and benefit oriented business paradigm, which can provide inspiration for global efforts in building a more just economic system. Recommendations are put forward for business practitioners, policy makers, academics, educational institutions, and Islamic business organizations to encourage the implementation and further development of this concept.
KEYWORDS:Islamic Entrepreneur, Business Ethics, Prophet Muhammad S AW, Islamic Economics, Sustainable Business
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