Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Ph.D. Mai Thi Dung, 2Nguyen Bao Ngan
1University of Labour and Social Affairs
2Vinschool the Harmony middle and high school
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
With a coastline of 3260 kilometers, 2.773 islands, and 28 coastal provinces, Vietnam has a great potential for sea tourism development. One of the factors affecting this development is logistics infrastructure. This research paper aims to analyze all of the logistics infrastructure factors including highways, railways, inland waterways, seaway, and airways; and the connection between logistics transport infrastructure and marine tourism development. The result shows that coastal tourism areas have made strong investments in logistics infrastructure and future planning. However, the lack of synchronization in transport networks connecting tourist destinations, the adaptation of the seaport systems and waterway transports, along with the overall infrastructure serving the needs of accommodations and tourism services have not met the increasing demand. Based on these bases, this paperwork proposes solutions to developing the logistics infrastructure associated with the development of Vietnam’s sea tourism.
KEYWORDS:Logistics infrastructure, sea tourism development, Vietnam
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