Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Edih Mulyadi, 2Devi Valeriani, 3Annisa Deni Istina
1,3Directorate General of Treasury Regional Office of Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia
2Faculty of Economics & Business, Bangka Belitung University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-35Google Scholar Download Pdf
The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between APBN and APBD expenditures on the achievement of connectivity indicators. Secondary data sources were obtained from the Directorate of Budget Implementation, the Sintesa application, the OMSPAN and OMSPAN TKD applications, the Ministry of PUPR, and the BPS of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Data analysis uses the Pearson correlation method and qualitative descriptive. The results of the study indicate that APBN expenditure is negatively and very strongly correlated with the length of national roads. In addition, APBN expenditure is positively and very weakly correlated with the length of national roads in stable condition and has a moderate positive correlation with the percentage of national road stability. APBD expenditure is very weakly correlated with the length of provincial roads and is moderately correlated with the length of provincial roads in stable conditions and the percentage of stability. Regency/City APBD expenditure also has a very weak correlation and is negatively directed to the total length of district/city roads in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province and has a moderate correlation with the length of district/city roads in stable condition and the percentage of stability. APBN expenditure has a positive and very strong correlation with the length of regional roads and is positively and strongly correlated with the length of regional roads in stable conditions. APBN spending also has a moderate correlation with the percentage of regional road stability. Based on the relationship analysis using Pearson correlation, it was found that the total length of the road has a strong correlation and has a positive relationship with the ADHK GRDP. The Bangka Belitung Islands Province has a higher road stability than the national road stability and road stability in the Sumatra Region.
KEYWORDS:State Budget Expenditure, Regional Budget Expenditure, Connectivity Indicator, ADHK GRDP
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