Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Ahmad Taher Ridwan Alfaribi, 2I Ketut Oka Setiawan
1,2Faculty of Law, Pancasila University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
As a form of security derived from law, fiduciary security has been used in Indonesia since the Dutch colonial era. Although the procedure is considered quick, easy, and uncomplicated, this type of collateral is often used in lending and borrowing transactions. Still, it does not provide legal certainty for creditors in their capacity as fiduciary beneficiaries. The author specializes in normative legal research, which is sometimes referred to as doctrinal legal research. Field research is not recognized in normative legal research. Research that looks at laws that are produced and organized based on doctrines that have been accepted by their developers or conceptors is known as doctrinal legal research. The judge granted the plaintiff's claim in counterclaim. The Judge stated that the Defendant in the counterclaim had defaulted to the Plaintiff in the counterclaim. Due to illegal behavior and violation of the subjective rights of others that are legally protected, the defendants' actions can be qualified as unlawful acts.
KEYWORDS:Execution, Fiduciary, and Violating the Law
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