Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Yuliawan Diceu Komarayudha, 2Agus Subianto, 3Dewi Casmiwati
1,2,3Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
Marine tourism development in the coastal area of Cirebon City is done by making the concept of Water Front City. This coastal development is a sustainable development, which is a broad and long-term development that involves several stake holders in the city of Cirebon, namely the Cirebon City Government, the private sector and the Community. This study uses qualitative research methods by examining the role of government in marine tourism development policies in the city of Cirebon. The research focuses on assessing aspects of policy implementation in the form of communication patterns, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure within the Cirebon City Tourism Office with data sources in the form of interviews, observation data in the Cirebon City marine tourism area, documentation study data in the form of policy documents at the Cirebon City Tourism Office. The data were then analysed using triangulation techniques followed by thematic narrative preparation. The research produced a synthesis in the form of the implementation of the construction and development of marine tourism in Cirebon City as a Water Front City has been carried out in accordance with Cirebon City Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2020. There are two aspects of policy implementation that are located in: a). Resources, specifically in the aspect of staff who are a little less responsible because there are internal dynamics of the policy implementing organisation, and; b). Bureaucratic structure, especially in the context of standard operating procedures (SOPs). Research suggestions and recommendations in the form of: a) Efforts to maintain successful patterns in each variable of policy implementation with the aim of achieving optimised development in the city of Cirebon according to the vision, mission and objectives; b) Risk management efforts to minimise the posibility of obstacles that may occur during the development of tourism aspects in the city especially with the current conditions in which there is a pandemic that has resulted in paralysis of the tourism sector, and; c) Efforts to intensify coaching and motivation for these staff so that performance can be achieved more optimally.
KEYWORDS:Implementation, Water Front City, Maritime Tourism
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