Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
PhD Candidate, Bukavu Teacher’s Training College, Department of English and African Culture Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0009-0006-7471-3689
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-45Google Scholar Download Pdf
The issue related to Nationalism has been the core of debates over decades by Africans since Africa’s independences. This paper investigates the attitudes taken by post-independence leaders as displayed in Henry Barlow’s “Building the Nation”. The study was qualitative through mere text analysis theories. The Discourse Analysis together with Stylistics has shown that leaders take the power as a tool of subjugation and domination of the proletarians or low class. Furthermore, leaders grab not only the throne but also seize their opportunity to eat and drink to lapidate the nation’s wealth. It was also found out that instead of building the nation, African politicians build their bellies. As a result, the higher class they get the richer they become while the workers and peasants get poorer. However, it was noticed that while clinging to the thrones, they not only destruct their nations through embezzlements but they also destroy their health by consuming drugs and sumptuous meals. To overcome this scourge, the proletarians should unite to make manly tempest in order to expel the oppressors out.
KEYWORDS:Carpe diem motif, Christopher Henry Muwanga Barlow, Discourse-Stylistics, Nationalism, Proletarians
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