Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1I Putu Dharmanu Yudartha, 2I Gusti Bagus Wirya Agung
1Public Administration Department, Udayana University
2Sosiology Department, Udayana University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-47Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study explores the synergy between Bumdes (Village-Owned Enterprises) and BUMDA (Customary Village-Owned Enterprises) within the framework of dynamic governance in Kutuh Village, Badung District, Bali. Dynamic governance is a contemporary approach that emphasizes adaptability, innovation, and participatory decision-making in managing public resources and institutions. Through qualitative methods, including interviews, observations, and document analysis, the research investigates how these two entities collaborate to enhance local economic development and community welfare. The findings indicate that the synergy between Bumdes and BUMDA has significantly contributed to Kutuh Village's economic resilience and self-sufficiency. Bumdes focuses on leveraging local resources for commercial ventures, while BUMDA preserves and promotes traditional customs and social capital. Together, they create a balanced and sustainable development model that aligns with the principles of dynamic governance. The collaboration has led to successful initiatives in tourism, agriculture, and craft industries, driving increased income and employment opportunities for villagers.
KEYWORDS:Dynamic Governance, Sinergy, Bumdes, Bumda
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