Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
Assoc. Prof. Yeşim SIRAKAYA
St. Clements University, Psychology Department Faculty Member
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
The rapid spread of social media platforms has deeply affected modern societies and led to significant changes in economic and psychological fields. This article aims to examine the deep traces of this phenomenon by focusing on the economic effects and psychological consequences of social media. It covers topics such as the economic effects of social media, its effects on consumer behavior, the transformation of advertising and commerce, as well as revenue models and innovations in the business world. In particular, the development of digital marketing strategies, brand awareness creation processes and their effects on businesses' customer relationship management were examined. In terms of psychological effects, the effects of social media on individuals, social connections, self-perception and psychological health are discussed. New psychological conditions such as loneliness, anxiety, social comparison and digital fatigue are among the problems that arise with the widespread use of social media. This article provides a critical review to understand the complex effects of social media on today's societies and lay the foundation for future research.
KEYWORDS:Social media, economic effects, psychological effects, digital marketing, consumer behavior, internet platforms, social relations, self-perception, digital communication, social change, media effect, digital health, advertising, internet culture, digital fatigue.
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