Volume 07 Issue 10 October 2024
1Anata Dwi Pratiwi,2Ilyas,3Fadhlia
1Master of Communication Science program, Tadulako University
2,3Tadulako University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i10-82Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to explain the marketing communication strategy carried out by HNI in building a sharia image in Palu City, as well as to determine the implications of the sharia image in maintaining HNI customer loyalty in Palu City. The results of this study indicate that the marketing communication strategy carried out by HNI in building a sharia image in Palu City includes: Advertising, namely by using the hashtag Hijrah Product (#HijrahProduk) in social media posts about HNI products; Personal sales, namely through home sharing activities using excerpts of the Quran and Hadith in sales presentation messages by HNI Agents; Sales promotion, namely by providing rewards in the form of Umrah vouchers to HNI Agents who have achieved a certain turnover; Direct sales, using social media such as Facebook and Instagram, and conducting group broadcasts via WhatsApp. Public relations are carried out by HNI by participating in community activities, religious activities, and holding Agent meetings containing religious activities. The implications of the sharia image as an effort to maintain customer loyalty carried out by HNI are through providing rewards in the form of Umrah vouchers for HNI Agents who have achieved a certain sales turnover. Other activities that HNI also carries out as an effort to maintain customer loyalty and build a sharia image are through membership activities such as HNI leader meetings combined with religious activities such as congregational prayers and spiritual guidance.
KEYWORDS:Marketing Communication Strategy, Image Construction, HNI
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