Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Diah Tiffani Annisa, 2A. Mukti Soma, 3Palti Marulitua Sitorus
1,2,3Master of Management, Telkom University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
The growth of internet users in Indonesia has experienced a significant increase year by year, reaching 78.19% of the total population in 2022-2023. This indicates a broader penetration of the internet among Indonesian society. The national digital banking transaction value shows an increasing trend, reaching Rp5,098.6 trillion in August 2023, reflecting the growing adoption of digital financial services in Indonesia. This increase is supported by the ease of access offered by banks and online financial management, in line with the preferences of the digital era's growing generation, thus Generation Z quickly and comfortably adopts digital banking services. This brings the potential for greater financial inclusion among the younger generation.This study employed a quantitative approach with a causal purpose, applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). The dependent variable (financial inclusion), the intervening variable (ease of use), and the independent variables (financial literacy, digital literacy, and social capital). This study, which includes 200 Bandung City-based Generation Z digital bank customers, uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) as its analytical tool. The study's findings demonstrate that Generation Z's digital bank customers in Bandung City already have very high levels of social capital, financial inclusion, digital literacy, and ease of use. Furthermore, it was shown that the effects of digital literacy, social capital, and financial literacy on financial inclusion might be moderated by simplicity of use. Financial inclusion is also significantly impacted directly by social capital, digital literacy, and financial literacy. It is intended that this research will provide a greater understanding of the variables impacting Generation Z's financial inclusion and how those characteristics may affect policies aimed at boosting the availability and use of financial services in the digital age.
KEYWORDS:Digital Literacy, Ease of Use, Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, generation Z, Social Capital
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