November 2024

Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
Exploring the Health Care Seeking Behavior of Rohingya Community during COVID-19 Pandemic
1Sayem Hossain Chowdhury, 2Md. Habibul Islam, 1Md. Amdadul Haque, 1Nikkon Ranjan Das, 1Sajjad Hossain, 3Marufa Hasin Heya, 4Md. Motiur Rahman
1World Health Organization (WHO), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
2Circle ASP, Chatmohor, Pabna, Bangladesh
3Ullapara Care Hospital, Sirajganj, Bangladesh
4Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College Hospital, Gopalganj, Bangladesh

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COVID-19 was declared a 'pandemic,' and it was the most horrific diseases the world.

The study aimed to explore the healthcare-seeking behavior of Rohingya people during the COVID-19.
Materials and methods:

It was conducted as a cross-sectional study involving a sample size of 200 participants. Respondents were chosen through convenience sampling methods. The study population was the Rohingya population residing in Cox’s Bazar. A well-designed and pretested set of structured questionnaires was used to collect the information. The total study duration was for 3 months. Informed consent was taken from the participants, and Ethical clearance was taken from the IRB of AIUB. Data were analyzed using IBM STATA 16.
Place and period of study:

The study was conducted at Cox’s Bazar Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh.

Majority (40%) of the respondents was aged between 30 to 49 years and 51% of them were female. A significant majority, 88%, expressed a preference for treatment at a Refugee health camp, while 9% opted for a Pharmacy and 3% chose a Traditional healer. Overall, 88% of respondents demonstrated positive behavior, in contrast to 12% who exhibited negative behavior. The results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that factors such as low educational attainment, fear of visiting health facilities, and a lack of awareness regarding COVID-19 prevention were significantly associated with negative health-seeking behavior.

The healthcare-seeking behavior exhibited by the Rohingya community in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic has been observed to be commendable.


COVID-19, Rohingya community, Healthcare-Seeking Behavior

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Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024

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