Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Mesa Atiza, 2Udin Saripudin, 3Nur Efendi
1,2Universitas Islam Bandung
3UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-17Google Scholar Download Pdf
Indonesia is a country with a Muslim majority. Where zakat is obligatory for Muslims. The potential of zakat funds is also quite large to improve the welfare of all people. The distribution and utilization of zakat is very important and must be distributed fairly and correctly in accordance with Islamic law. A trustworthy Zakat Amil Institution (LAZ) is needed to collect and distribute zakat funds, such as Rumah Zakat which has been established for 26 years to collect and distribute zakat funds. There are many zakat fund empowerment programs at Rumah Zakat, such as the empowerment of zakat, infaq and alms for education through champion school scholarships. In empowering ZIS funds, Rumah Zakat is in accordance with the principles of Islamic economic ethics. Therefore, researchers are interested in analyzing the review of Islamic economic ethics in the empowerment of zakat, infaq and alms funds through scholarship programs at Rumah Zakat. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, as well as interviews. The results of this study are a review of Islamic economic ethics in the empowerment of zakat, infak and sedekah funds through scholarship programs at Rumah Zakat which are in accordance with the principles of Islamic economic ethics, namely tauhid (the oneness of God), justice (al-'adl), welfare (maslahah) and amanah (responsibility). And have distributed scholarships to asnaf fakir, poor, amil, ibnu sabil, fisabilillah and gharimin.
KEYWORDS:Islamic Economic Ethics, ZIS Empowerment, Rumah Zakat Scholarship
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