Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1I Ketut Kasta Arya Wijaya, 2I Wayan Rideng, 3NI Made Jaya Senastri, 4I Ketut Sukadana
1,2,3,4Fakultas Hukum Universitas Warmadewa
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Subak is a community organization that specializes in regulating the rice field irrigation system used in rice cultivation in Bali, one of which is Subak Lungatad Yang in Peguyangan Kangin Village, North Denpaar. Subak Lungatad has a customary law norm called Awig-Awig. Awig-Awig is a customary law norm that is formulated and regulates the behavior pattern of community members in interacting in order to create order and peace, meaning that Awig-Awig grows and is formulated so that the life of the community in the customary village is not damaged. However, in the application of awig – awig Subak is also lived by the Balinese people as a concept of life, because it is a direct manifestation of the philosophy called Tri Hita Karana. There is a problem that arises in the awigs in Subak Lungatad is that they have not regulated and can anticipate changes in land use change in the subak Lungatad district Land use change in the last 1 year covering an area of 0.8 hectares, which is in Subak Lungatad, from the area of Subak 114 hectares. From this data, it can be described that land use change is still occurring. Pekaseh Subak Lungatad, I Made Maja, revealed that Subak Lungatad is part of the irrigation area of Kedewatan Pasedahan Yeh Lauh, Peguyangan Kangin Village, North Denpasar District. With a raw land area of 120 hectares, all of them are semi-irrigated. The subak land continues to experience pressure due to land conversion, there tends to be housing development. This condition is certainly really concerning for the future of rice fields and agriculture of the people of Denpasar. The participation of Krama Subak in preventing the conversion of agricultural land into housing can be done by including the rules in the awig-awig subak. Although the existing awig subak has not yet regulated it, it can be made in the form of a perarem or implementing rule of the awig- awig. The role of subak as a traditional organization in the field of water use at the farming level in indigenous peoples. The important role of the subak system is closely related to the strength of the subak itself, including the simplicity of the organizational structure, a cooperative work system and the implementation of the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. One of them is related to weakness which is also related to the lands in the subak lungakad area. The Awig Subak Lungatad that was made has not been regulated for a long time in anticipating changes in land use.
KEYWORDS:Awig-awig, Subak, Land Use conversion
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