Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Mboh Ngoma Alain Pierre Loic,2Nga Etjeke Danièle Victoire
1,2PHD student of People`s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) named after Patrice lumumba
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-21Google Scholar Download Pdf
Conventional arms control appears today as an essential means to ensure peace in the world and sustainable development. Its international implementation is ensured by United Nations bodies, treaties and even programs. Despite these mechanisms, arms control is proving to be ineffective. Weapons continue to be the basis of several criminal acts, including scenes of violence, armed conflicts, and terrorist attacks. By resorting to research methods such as analysis and legal documentation, the author reaches the conclusion according to which these failures at the level of control have their sources in shortcomings within control mechanisms. These shortcomings include among other the failure to establish a Military Staff Committee whose role was to contribute with the Security Council to the implementation of a policy of reducing the budget dedicated to arms in accordance with Article 26 of the Charter of the United Nations; The non-compliance with the rules for reporting in the registers of conventional weapons, and the legalization of the right to carry weapons in the internal legislation of several countries.
KEYWORDS:Conventional arms control, peace, sustainable development, United Nations, Security Council, military staff committee, register of conventional weapons, right to carry weapons.
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