Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
Hongying Lyu
PhD Candidate in Educational Management majoring in English, Graduate School, Emilio Aguinaldo College
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
This case study explores the academic expression challenges faced by a Chinese nursing master's student during the thesis proposal defense in the Philippines. By analyzing recorded transcripts of the defense Q&A segment and panel feedback documents, the st udy identifies specific issues in academic expression, including vague definitions, unclear research objectives, and deficiencies in theoretical frameworks and research designs. The feedback from professors emphasizes the importance of a systematic researc h design, clarity in academic terminology, and adherence to academic writing standards. The study offers targeted suggestions for the student to enhance academic expression, such as improving content organization, enriching theoretical frameworks, refining data collection methodologies, and integrating diverse academic sources. Additionally, it provides universal recommendations for all international students facing similar challenges, including the significance of seeking continuous fe edback, engaging in s elf reflection, and developing effective academic communication skills. Overall, this research aims to provide valuable insights and strategies for international nursing students to navigate academic expression challenges in cross cultural contexts effecti vely.
KEYWORDS:Nursing Education, Academic Expression, Thesis Proposal Defense, International Students, Qualitative Analysis
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