Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Zainul Arif Hidayat Lubis, 2Henny Medyawati
1,2Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesian
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
The mobile banking phenomenon may still be at the implementation stage, although its frequency is already evident. It is important to consider the introduction of mobile banking in developing countries, as it can increase financial inclusion, improve the banking system, and ultimately have a positive impact on the economy. This study aims to analyze the effect of performance expectations, effort expectations, social influences, supportive conditions, and trust on behavioral intention to use the system as well as the usage behavior of mobile banking users, with experience as a moderator variable. The PLS-SEM analysis technique consists of two models, namely the measurement model called the outer model and the structural model called the inner model, hypothesis testing, and MRA testing which will be processed using SmartPLS 4 statistics through primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to the mobile banking user community in Jabodetabek. The results showed that performance expectations and effort expectations affect behavioral intention to use the system, and behavioral intention to use the system affects usage behavior. The effect of supportive conditions on behavioral intention to use the system can be moderated by experience.
KEYWORDS:Behavioral intention, Experience,Trust, Usage behavior, Utaut.
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