Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Dwi Sandy Kusbiantoro, 2Amanda Pasca Rini, 3Andik Matulessy
1,2,3University 17 August 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-41Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to analyze correlation between job insecurity, job satisfaction and employee engagement in employees of PT. PNM, Surabaya Branch. Method being used in this research is quantitative. Researchers are using primary data and gathering the data, straight from subjects in their office. Researchers are using google form as a tool to gather the answer. There are 3 scales that’s been delivered via Google form, job satisfaction, job insecurity and employee engagement scale. Answers from subjects are being tested using statistic app named SPSS 21 for windows. Conclusion from the test are, f score for α = 5%, df = 842 meaning 3,006441544 the f-count number is 222,030. Meanwhile the significant number is 0,001 which smaller than 0,05 (0,001 < 0,05). This can be translated as accepted hypothesis, meaning job satisfaction and job insecurity, together, give positive influence and significantly to employee engagement. Significant score for job satisfaction variable is 0,001 < 0,005 meaning the variable influences employee engagement. The significant score for job insecurity is 0,001 < 0,005, meaning there is influence between the variable and employee engagement. Adjusted R Square showed the number of 0,344, which can be concluded as job satisfaction and job insecurity, together, influencing employee engagement by 34,4%. Meanwhile, the other 65,5% is influenced by other variables that didn’t used in this research.
KEYWORDS:Job Satisfaction, Job Insecurity, Employee Engagement
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