Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Md Maruf Hasan, 2Sayful Islam
1PhD Candidate, Department of Uṣūl al-Dīn and Comparative Religion, AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences ( AHAS KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia.
2Post-graduate Researcher, Department of Qur'an and Sunnah, AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences ( AHAS KIRKHS), International Islamic University Malaysia., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-48Google Scholar Download Pdf
Imam Ibn Taymiyya is considered one of the most famous figures in Islamic history to defend the fundamental teachings of Islam that prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) and his companions practiced according to the Quranic message. Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy from Pakistan vehemently attacked Imam Ghazali’s defence of orthodox Islam as anti-science. For Hoodbhoy, Imam Ghazali’s orthodox view is dangerous for the scientific progression and freedom of thought . With the advent of New Atheism, there is a trend of Islamophobia within Muslim countries. This research is significant in understanding Islamophobia among Muslim youths due to the rise of the science vs religion debate. How would Muslim youths justify their position against contemporary Western thought? The research is qualitative. Descriptive and normative methods have been used. The study finds that Imam Taymiyya had a unique way of dealing with the influence of Greek and mystic thoughts. This research suggests that Imam Taymmiya’s approach may help Muslim youths encounter the scientific worldview and other emerging ideologies in the 21st century.
KEYWORDS:Pervez Hoodbhoy, New Atheism, Scientific Worldview, Ibn Taymiyya, Islamophobia, Muslim Youths, Nihilism,Pessimism
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