Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
Saddeqqa Hadi Salhb Al Quraishi
The General Directorate of Education in M aysan Governorate –Iraqan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-50Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study identifies how a feminist perspective has the potential to critique certain aspects of the work "Pride and Prejudice." By analyzing the way Austen deals with her even-spirited heroine, critiques gender roles through the narrative presentation, and offers marriage as a necessary compromise showcasing the unsatisfactory life of women, the study provides pertinent findings to explicate possible reasons for the narrative portrayal of Elizabeth's journey. The findings of the study suggest the feminist interpretation of "Pride and Prejudice" outlines some compelling critiques, including the representation of a woman who is often contradictory and not portrayed in the best light. Elizabeth Bennet can be seen as deeply flawed, and yet her story is intended to be empowering. Austen employs a narrative that draws a great deal of attention to the subject of gender relations and the various functions of its females as they strive to find an assertive place within a mostly patriarchal society. However, this narrative representation is problematic in part because her exploration of these gender relations often dwells on ceremony and the active subjection to male prerogatives—an active choice rather than an oppressive paradigm. What emerges from this is a commentary on the individuality of love through Elizabeth’s story, as well as a skeptical reflection on marriage as an institution and its corrosive potential in colonizing relations. The jumping-off point for this critique, however, is the agency Elizabeth must carry within the narrative, where she must mature and thus foretell the corruptions that will occur if she were to refuse this traditional patriarchal paradigm. Generally, feminist theory in language and literature assumes that women are subordinated, excluded, and often objectified, and it believes that the two incompatible ideologies have no right, class, or sex barriers. Instead, feminists contend that the two discourses are promoted due to certain interest groups' desire, and particularly the benefit of males, which requires power to keep this social system-like hierarchy. Undeniably, we can expect feminist theory beyond the geopolitical boundary. As such, this paper can critically and prudently bring another literary work from another era to feminist discussion, which lets us dig deeper into a woman's perspective.
KEYWORDS:Effect, Feminism Male and Female Characters, Pride and Prejudice, Pragmatic, Methodology
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