Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
Zhang Wei
Graduate School, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Paco, Manila, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-53Google Scholar Download Pdf
The current research examined a volleyball program at an urban college in Henan, China, including performance indicators, course content and methodologies of teaching and assessment of athletes. The assessment provided program effectiveness in terms of addressing structural barriers, utilizing mental skills training strategies, embracing digital technologies, using competition-based approaches to training methods as well as injury prevention behaviors and coaching techniques. This indicates psychological training is beneficial on the plyometric endurance and also stresses the important role of mental performance in physical tasks. However, an excessive reliance on digital technology was detrimental to sport-specific conditioning in endurance, showing a need for well-balanced training.
KEYWORDS:volleyball training programs, athletic endurance, Urban college athletes, Henan, China
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