Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Bonephace Gonjo, 2Paul Dominic Mushi, 3Solomon Omer
1,2,3Jordan University College, P.O. Box 1787, Morogoro-Tanzania
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-57Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study investigated the strategies for enhancing community participation in government–funded school project in Morogoro region. The study used case study research design to determine the strategies from a total sample of 23 comprising of 10 Head Masters, 1 Ward Councillor, 2 Ward Educational Officers and 10 School Board Chairmen. Semi-structured interviews were used in collecting data which were then analzyed using thematic analysis. The study found that, early community involvement in project design ensures educational initiatives are more relevant, effective and sustainable. Community contributions in constructing classrooms and laboratories, supported by government funding, enhance the academic environment and promote practical learning opportunities, particularly in science. Furthermore, engaging the community in supervising and securing school projects strengthens accountability and fosters a sense of ownership, improving long-term project sustainability. The study recommends that government-funded school projects should actively involve community members from the outset to reflect local needs, encourage participation in building educational facilities through various contributions, provide clear guidelines for overseeing projects, maintain ongoing community engagement for security and upkeep, and implement training programs to enhance management and collaboration skills among school and community leaders.
KEYWORDS:Community, Strategies, School, Government-funded Projects
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