Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Anam Ali Al-Khazali, 2Anmar sami Al-Rikabi, 3Sajida Moussa Aljawhar
1,2,3Al-Muthanna University/ College of Education for Human Sciences
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-58Google Scholar Download Pdf
In nearly every nation on the planet, agriculture has an essential function and holds a prominent political and economic position, regardless of the prevailing monetary and political systems. Present-day monetary and political systems. Agriculture is a science, an art, and a practice. The more awareness among farmers, the more. It generated more profitable and high-quality agricultural products, provided new opportunities for problem-solving in the field of agriculture, Numerous geographical factors, both natural and human, affect the agriculture and production of the study area. It influences the crop productivity of the land, which in turn influences the quantity of production required to meet the demand for harvests. The research yielded many results, the most important of which is large areas remain unexploited for agricultural production. Agricultural production suffers from the impact of the desert climate on agricultural productivity. The sylvan aspect may sometimes lead to its destruction or affect output and productivity. This study came to be analyzed. And a survey of the areas cultivated with crops in the desert of Al-Muthanna Governorate. The study began with a theoretical framework. For the study, the first section studied the natural factors affecting areas planted with crops. Agriculture in the Desert of Al-Muthanna Governorate: the second section represents the human factors affecting the cultivated areas crops in the desert of Muthanna Governorate, and the third section is concerned with studying the reality of the agricultural regions for crops in the desert of Muthanna Governorate for the year 2023. The research concluded with the most important results, which are as follows: first, the prevailing pattern. Agriculture in the study area is the pattern of cultivation of fundamental crops. Additionally, the irrigation methods used are primary methods, which cause a rise in water losses through evaporation and penetration into the soil.
KEYWORDS:agricultural in the desert - agricultural investment - desert investment.
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