Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
Assoc. Prof. Yeşim SIRAKAYA
St. Clements University Psychology Department Faculty Member Orcid ID: 0009-0004-2558-8194
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-67Google Scholar Download Pdf
The climate crisis is an increasingly evident threat around the world. The economic and psychological effects of this crisis deepen the difficulties experienced by individuals and societies and create a complex network of interactions. This study aims to comprehensively examine the effects of climate change on economic concerns and individuals' psychological health. First, the economic effects of climate change are discussed. The direct effects of the climate crisis on the agriculture, energy and health sectors, as well as indirect consequences such as unemployment, income inequality and economic uncertainty, are analyzed. These economic effects may be more pronounced, especially on individuals living in low-income and developing regions. Secondly, the effects of economic concerns on individuals' psychological health are examined. Research shows that economic uncertainty and crises can lead to psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and burnout. In addition, the effects of natural disasters and environmental degradation due to climate change on stress, trauma and psychological resilience are also evaluated. Finally, this study offers policy recommendations on how the climate crisis and economic uncertainty affect individuals' mental health. Social support systems, psychological intervention strategies and sustainable economic policies play a critical role in reducing these effects. This article aims to make a significant contribution to understanding the complex relationship between climate change and economic and psychological impacts. The results will guide policymakers, psychologists and economic planners in developing holistic and effective solutions to problems in this area.
KEYWORDS:Climate change, economic impacts, psychological health, economic concerns, climate crisis, psychological impacts, economic uncertainty, natural disasters, mental health, environmental degradation, stress and anxiety, depression, burnout syndrome.
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