Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Ana Branco, 2Sónia Silva, 3Tiago Silva, 4Adalmiro Pereira, 5Tânia Teixeira
1,2,3ISCAP- P Porto
4ISCAP-P Porto teacher and CEOS member
5ISCAP-P Porto teacher
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
This in-depth research digs into Delta Cafés' rich history, strategic advancements, and current strategies. The key goals of this paper are to unearth the historical milestones that have shaped Delta Cafés, analyze its present market positioning, and examine the leadership concepts that have been critical to its success. Our work strives to provide useful insights into Delta Cafés' journey of continual expansion, innovation, and the enduring ideals that characterize its essence through a comprehensive examination of the company's history. Our project looks into the compelling history and modern dynamics of a prominent Portuguese coffee brand by embarking on a trip through the rich tapestry of Delta Cafés. Delta Cafés' journey from its humble beginnings in a 50-square-meter warehouse in 1961 to its current global prominence displays an unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability in the coffee industry.
KEYWORDS:Delta; Strategy; Planning; SWOT
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