Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Yolandari Noormannidya Nugrahing Putri, 2Harsono, 3Mokhamad Natsir
1Student of Postgraduate Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-71Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to describe and analyze additional employee income (TPP), instructional leadership, employee motivation, and employee performance. It explores the influence of additional employee income (TPP) and instructional leadership on employee performance, examines the impact of additional employee income (TPP) and instructional leadership on employee motivation, assesses the relationship between motivation and employee performance, and investigates how employee motivation mediates the effects of additional employee income (TPP) and instructional leadership on employee performance. The population and sample of this study consist of 64 respondents from the personnel and human resources development agency of Malang Regency. Data collection employed questionnaires, and data analysis was conducted using path analysis. The results indicate that additional employee income (TPP) and instructional leadership significantly and positively affect employee performance. Additionally, TPP and instructional leadership significantly and positively influence employee motivation. Employee motivation positively and substantially affects employee performance, and employee motivation mediates the relationship between TPP, instructional leadership, and employee performance.
KEYWORDS:Additional Employee Income, Instructional Leadership, Employee Motivation, Employee Performance, Malang Regency
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