Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
1Sri DestiPurwatiningsih, 2Sri Ekowati, 3Swastiningsih
1,3Universitas Nasional, Jalan Sawo Manila, No. 61 Pasar Minggu
2Universitas Persada Indonesia, Jalan Diponogoro No. 74 Salemba
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-73Google Scholar Download Pdf
Problem-based Learning (PBL) is a learning method where students are faced with problems that exist in society in real life, to then be used as a trigger in learning. PBL is seen as more effective than the conventional curriculum, which only relies on lectures and practicums. Learning activities in PBL include expert lectures, discussions in small groups, practicum in the laboratory, and clinical skills practicum. Through this activity, it is hoped that students can achieve satisfactory learning achievements, considering that the concept carried by this system is so ideal. Problembased learningg is learning with an approach oriented to a constructivistic view that contains contextual characteristics, collaborative, metacognitive thinking, and facilitates problem solving. Students are able to learn meaningfully that can develop higher-order thinking skills through problem solving. Through this learning, it is hoped that it can increase understanding of meaning, increase independence, increase the development of higher-level thinking skills, increase motivation, facilitate relationships between students and improve skills in building teamwork when solving problems and finding solutions. The design of this study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires to communication students of the Communication Psychology course. The results of the research can be used as reference to universities, especially the Communication Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UNAS Jakarta, to implement The problem-based learning model plays an active role in the learning process, especially in this independent curriculum.
KEYWORDS:Problem Basic Learning, Problem Solving, Constructivist
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