Volume 07 Issue 11 November 2024
Andi Sinjaya
Faculty of Education Management, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i11-85Google Scholar Download Pdf
Critical thinking is a major discourse that often goes unnoticed, especially when society faces a contemporary phenomenon that insists on immediate understanding and absolute truth. The study analysis discusses the relevance and urgency of implementing critical thinking skills based on the epistemological approach necessary for all modern society. Diverse challenges and possibilities in the modern era require the skills of critical thinking. The aim is to prepare society to face these diverse challenges and approach new possibilities made in everyday life in the modern era. A descriptive qualitative approach, involving a comprehensive literature review of official documents, reference books, websites, government policies, and scholarly articles related to the research topic, was used in this study. From the results of the study on the topic above, it can be concluded that the cultivation of critical thinking, grounded in epistemological principles, is imperative. Critical thinking and epistemic cognition are no longer exclusive to Academics, but hostically become fundamental needs for everyone in modern society.
KEYWORDS:Epistemology, Critical Thinking, People, Education, Modernity
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