Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Aan Sudarwanto, 2Novita Dwi Wulandari, 3Agung Cahyana, 4Rahayu Adi Prabowo, 5Arif Jati Purnomo
1,2,3,4,5Indonesian Institute of the Arts Surakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-10Google Scholar Download Pdf
Batik continues to evolve beyond its traditional function. This study explores the innovative transformation of batik motifs into metal ceilings as a representation of the integration of traditional aesthetics with modern technology in contemporary interior design. The main objective of the study is to analyse the potential for developing batik-patterned metal ceilings that combine cultural values with technological innovation. The research methodology uses a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach, including literature studies, design observations, and manufacturing technology experiments. The study focuses on the transformation of ceplok batik motifs, especially kawung, into metal panels using stamping and forming techniques. Aluminium and copper were chosen as the main materials due to their lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and design flexibility characteristics. The research process involved the development of Appropriate Technology for stamping and forming metal that allows the creation of ceilings with precise batik motif details. Experimentation includes designing special dies, setting metal forming parameters, and finishing. The results of the study indicate the success of transforming traditional batik motifs into metal ceilings that have high aesthetic value and practical functions. This innovation not only produces interior design products, but also makes a significant contribution to the preservation and development of cultural heritage through a contemporary approach. The study concludes that the transformation of batik motifs into metal ceilings successfully brings together tradition and modernity. This approach opens up new opportunities in interior design that respect cultural heritage while taking advantage of advances in manufacturing technology, while expanding the appreciation of batik in a more dynamic and innovative context.
KEYWORDS:Batik, Innovative, Metal Ceiling, Shape Transformation
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