Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1I Made Aditya Mantara Putra, 2Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih, 3I Nyoman Sukandia
1,2,3Faculty of Law ,Warmadewa University, Denpasar Bali
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-18Google Scholar Download Pdf
The process of globalization and the rapid development of the financial sector supported by advances in information technology have created a very complex financial system in the banking world. As technology develops, information technology-based banking services such as internet banking and other service supporting technology have become very important. Apart from having a positive impact, information and communication technology (ICT) in the banking sector also creates opportunities for crime to occur (cyber crime). The government has issued regulations to protect customers and banks from criminal acts in the banking sector related to electronic providers, namely in Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. However, the existence of the law in question does not provide legal certainty in the context of protecting customers and banks against technology-based crime modes. This writing examines the mode of information technology-based crime that occurs in the banking sector and the nature of protection for customers and banks in realizing justice. The research method used is a normative legal research type with a statutory approach, conceptual approach and philosophical approach. The findings in this paper are a protection model that includes the bank's responsibility to protect customer data, as well as the involvement of the government and related authorities to prevent and deal with cyber crime with the aim of maintaining public trust and ensuring fairness in banking services.
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