Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Teguh Trianung Djoko Susanto, 2Eliana Sari, 3Afnan Iliya Tsabita, 4Mushthofa Abdul Majiid, 5Syifa Fajrina
1,2Lecturers at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia
3,4,5Magister Program Student at Universitas Negeri Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
The important thing that can affect the quality of an education is in leadership and management quality. The presence of an educational institution will be carried out optimally if it has effective leadership and management quality. In the quality of education, leadership has a very important role and is a stakeholder. In this ever-evolving era, a participatory leadership approach has emerged that in terms of decision-making or the implementation of educational programs, it always involves team members. This can affect increasing teacher motivation and engagement, improving the quality of teaching, and creating a thorough and effective learning environment. This research approach involves collecting and analyzing information from various literary sources such as books, journal articles, theses, and other documents. This method is carried out in order to gain a deep understanding of a topic or problem without collecting data directly from the field, but analyzing it through reading. Participatory leadership can influence sustainable innovation by creating an environment that supports creativity and member engagement, so members feel encouraged to come up with new ideas that have the potential to produce innovation. This participatory leadership approach can increase the spirit, courage, and sense of family in the organization which can help the organization maintain excellence in a sustainable manner through new innovations. To support the course of education in this era of rapid technological development, it is necessary to have a leadership role that has a participatory style, namely leaders who collaborate with their members for decisionmaking, problem-solving, providing input, and also sharing ideas. That way, members feel more appreciated and motivated in carrying out their goals, which is to continue to innovate sustainably in education.
KEYWORDS:innovation, quality management, education, sustainability, leadership, participatory leadership
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