Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Nông Thị Trang , 2Trần Thị Kim Hoa
1,2Thai Nguyen University of Education, Faculty of Primary Education, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-33Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the primary school program, Vietnamese is an important and necessary subject to help students develop language, logical thinking, communication, and convey their ideas and emotions better. Therefore, in the process of teaching Vietnamese in primary schools, teachers need to arouse students' interest and joy in learning in order to develop necessary qualities and a bilities. Learning through Play in teaching Vietnamese is a useful and effective solution. Based on research on teaching Vietnamese in primary schools and documents on "Learning through Play"; combining research methods such as: Inductive, analytical, and synthetic methods, the article clarifies "Learning through Play" as a new approach in teac hing. From there, the author gives some suggestions for designing and organizing "Learning through Play" activities in teaching Vietnamese in primary schools, contri buting to developing qualities and abilities for students...
KEYWORDS:Learn through Play, V ietnamese subject, elementary
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