Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Thu Tran Thi Hoai, 2Chuyen Nguyen Thi Hong
1Thang Long International Primary School, Hoang Mai, Ha Noi.
2University of Education, Thai Nguyen University. 20 Luong Ngoc Quyen Street, Quang Trung Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-39Google Scholar Download Pdf
Digital competence of students is understood as the ability to effectively use information and communication technologies to access, manage, and create information in a digital environment. This competence not only enables students to perform learning tasks efficiently but also equips them with essential skills to adapt to an increasingly technology-dependent society, allowing them to contribute positively to their communities and develop personally in the digital age. The purpose of this paper is to explore measures for developing digital competence among elementary school students through the subjects of History and Geography. A qualitative research methodology was employed to examine relevant literature. Based on this analysis, several measures have been proposed to enhance digital competence for students, including: 1) establishing learning objectives that promote digital competence; 2) selecting instructional content that provides opportunities for developing digital skills; and 3) utilizing teaching methods and techniques that foster digital competence through the teaching process in History and Geography. This document serves as a valuable reference for researchers and elementary educators in the context of digital transformation in education.
KEYWORDS:Digital competency, development, student, primary, History and Geography
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