Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Xinyu Li, 2Qijia Liu, 3YiRan
1,3Department of Global Trade and Management, Shinhan University, South Korea
2Department of Physical Education, Jining University, Qufu City, Shandong Province, China
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-56Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper explores the influence mechanism of emotional labour on service performance of employees engaged in service work based on resource conservation theory. The paper uses sample data of 268 service employees from 32 organisati ons for empirical testing. The results show that employees' deep seated behaviours pos itively affect job satisfaction, and work engagement plays a mediating role in both surface and deep seated behaviours affecting service performance. In addition, the sense of organisational support enhanced the positive relationship between deep seated be haviours and work engagement, and the indirect relationship between deep seated behaviours and service performance process through work engagement. It is necessary for service oriented organisations to improve employees‘ work engagement through emotional m anagement training and improving employees’ sense of organisational support to enhance service performance.
KEYWORDS:emotional labour, sense of organisational support, service performance, work engagement, resource conservation theory
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