Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Li Ruohan, 2Liu Yuling, 3Xu Yunbo
1School of Military and Political, National University of Defense Technology
2School of Law, Central South University
3College of International Tourism and Public Administration, Hainan University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-60Google Scholar Download Pdf
In China, about 10% of campus bullying cases occur in ordinary universities. This is a survey of campus bullying in ordinary universities in Hunan Province of China. Students in ordinary universities have different attitudes towards physical bullying and mental bullying whose harmfulness has not been given sufficient attention. In reality, Physical bullying and mental bullying often occur simultaneously in most cases. Females are the main victims of campus bullying. However, the anti-bullying education and bullying protection of female undergraduates in universities are not prominent. To prevent campus bullying, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management and the anti-bullying education of the universities.
KEYWORDS:Campus bullying, Physical bullying, Mental bullying
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