Volume 07 Issue 12 December 2024
1Cris Saranza, 2Eric Villamar, 3Erwin Arlan, 4Janine Francia, 5Lorna Lopio-Alas, 6Ralph Buca
1,2St. Paul University – Surigao, Philippines
3Caraga State University, Philippines
4Surigao del Norte State University – Claver, Philippines
5Northestern Mindanao State University – Tandag, Philippines
6Mindanao State University – Marawi, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i12-77Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study examined the relationship between ChatGPT's usage frequency and perceived value among 386 international university students from selected universities in the Caraga and Northern Mindanao regions of the Philippines, specifically to the moderating role of disposable income. Utilizing a quantitative, cross-sectional survey design, the results showed a significant positive correlation between usage frequency and perceived value, supporting the hypothesis that more frequent use leads to greater perceived value. However, this relationship was found to be moderated by disposable income, with the correlation between usage frequency and perceived value being stronger among students with lower disposable incomes. These findings imply that while increased usage generally enhances perceived value, the effect weakens for higher-income students, possibly due to their access to alternative resources. The study underscores the need to consider disposable income when integrating AI tools into education to promote equitable access and maximize benefits for diverse student populations. Future research should investigate these dynamics longitudinally and across various academic disciplines.
KEYWORDS:ChatGPT, Perceived Value, Usage Frequency, Disposable Income, AI Tools in Education
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